透過 100 多個技巧的集合來學習 Nuxt!


Partytown 與 Nuxt 的整合 - 將資源密集型腳本重新定位到 Web Worker 中,並從主執行緒中移出。


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PartytownNuxt 的整合


  • 👌 零配置要求
  • 🔥 將資源密集型腳本重新定位到 Web Worker 中
  • ⚡️ 加快您的網站速度
  • 💯 支援 Nuxt 3 和 Nuxt Bridge


  1. 安裝 @nuxtjs/partytown
    yarn add --dev @nuxtjs/partytown # or npm install --save-dev @nuxtjs/partytown
  2. 將其添加到 nuxt.config.tsmodules 區段
    export default defineNuxtConfig({
      modules: ['@nuxtjs/partytown'],
  3. type: 'text/partytown' 屬性添加到任何您希望由 partytown 處理的腳本中。
        <Script type="text/partytown" src="https://example.com/analytics.js" />


Partytown 支援許多選項,您可以在 nuxt.config.ts 檔案中傳遞這些選項

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  // ...
  partytown: {
     * When `true`, Partytown scripts are not minified. See https://partytown.builder.io/configuration
     * on how to enable more logging.
     * @default true in development
    debug: boolean
     * Path (relative to your base URL) where the Partytown library should be served from.
     * @default '~partytown'
    lib: string
    // For other options, see https://partytown.builder.io/configuration



export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['@nuxtjs/partytown'],
  partytown: {
    forward: ['$crisp', '$crisp.push'],
  app: {
    head: {
      script: [
        // Insert your CRISP Script here e.g.:
        { innerHTML: 'window.$crisp = []; window.CRISP_WEBSITE_ID = "0000"' },
        { src: 'https://client.crisp.chat/l.js', async: true, type: 'text/partytown' },

Google Tag Manager

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['@nuxtjs/partytown'],
  partytown: {
    forward: ['dataLayer.push'],
  app: {
    head: {
      script: [
        // Insert your Google Tag Manager Script here
        { src: '-', async: true, type: 'text/partytown' },

Plausible Analytics

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['@nuxtjs/partytown'],
  partytown: {
    forward: ['$plausible', '$plausible.push'],
  app: {
    head: {
      script: [
        { innerHTML: 'window.$plausible = [];' },
        // Update this
          src: '',
          defer: true,
          type: 'text/partytown',
          'data-domain': 'your-domains',


  • 執行 yarn prepare 以產生類型存根。
  • 使用 yarn dev 在開發模式下啟動 playground


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